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ICE Network most anticipated WEB3 project in 2023

The latest king-level foreign project, with a rare three-letter domain name, similar operation and reward mode as PI Network, officially promises no advertisements, kyc source code will be publicly available for inspection within 15 months, internally developed for more than a year, and supports more than 40 languages,  Be sure to fill in the referrer's nickname: name to register and get 10 tokens and a reward of 25% increase in mining efficiency!
Missed being an early PI pioneer, don't miss ICE this time!
Open the acceleration tool and copy the link to the browser to open:  https://ice.io/@name
Fill in the recommender (Enter nickname): name
If your mobile phone supports the Google service agreement, you can click Google Play to download
If your phone does not support the Google service agreement, click Android APK download
Open the app, you can only click on the Google button below or use the Twitter icon to log in
(Phone number registration will receive garbled characters, and email registration cannot be verified)
- Click Next Step to skip several prompts,
Enter the recommender's nickname: name to get 10 tokens and 25% mining efficiency increase!

