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Websea is the most valuable exchange in the future!

[Breaking News] Websea is a new generation digital asset trading platform based on the concept of web3.0
【What is Websea】
Websea is a new generation digital asset trading platform based on the web3.0 concept created by an elite development team led by former OKX executives.  Its innovation lies in that the business model and product concept integrate the advantages and essence of Web2.0 and Web3.0, that is, it finds a balance and breaking point between decentralization and centralization.
As a digital asset trading platform with the spirit of co-construction and sharing of Web3.0, Websea can not only help more young people enter the Web3.0 world conveniently and quickly, but also enable all participants to work together to build a complete, long-term and stable  social, entertainment, and gamification ecology.
【Features of Websea】
1: Account system: Different from the complete centralization of traditional exchanges, the user asset management risks brought by it, as well as the high risks brought by the high threshold of decentralized exchanges and the immaturity of new business models; Websea digital asset trading  The platform combines the dual advantages of centralization and decentralization. While ensuring that users have a simpler and smoother operating experience, it also achieves independent and safe management of user assets and convenient transfer through an original dual-account system.
2: Token Economy: $WBS is the ecological token of Websea, which will be distributed to all ecological participants and builders through various incentive methods such as social entertainment/transaction/ecological contribution to realize the co-construction and sharing of Web3.0  Core governance spirit.
3: Global Ecology: Websea achieves the comprehensive application of "one account, global ecology" through decentralized identity accounts. Users can use one identity account to travel through the social metaverse, game entertainment metaverse, and enjoy various aspects of the Websea ecosystem.  Crypto-like financial services.
Websea will be officially launched globally at the end of August 2023. Register now and you will receive 100 $WBS platform coins. Invite friends to enjoy multiple benefits, and win multiple rewards such as BTC/ETH/WBS/USDT!
Our vision is to build Websea into the world's most secure and free Web3 digital asset trading platform where the young generation can realize "identity value, asset value, and interactive value" in the future!

Android APK download link (preferred):  https://www.websea.pro/zh-CN/signup/?key=49882245
Google play download link:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.websea.exchange&pcampaignid=web_share
IOS store download link:  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id6451013281
Invitation code (fill in to get $WBS platform currency reward): 49882245
Welcome to join the overseas high-quality project exchange salon QQ group: 362644424; Telegram project release group:  https://t.me/richgodclub

